- Taste of Sin -
Yuda was one of my team member in Ad Sales Direct Vision. Quite creative person, energetic though very number oriented (what ever it is yud heheh..)
Today is his birthday.. And i have a Choc cake order from him. Hhmmm, a very late order. I need to prepare things while i was still in 'leyeh2' mood after coming back from Bandung last weekend..
Started doing IT at 10 pm.. hahaha, i knew i would be ended at 2am at least :(.. But ITS A CHALLENGE!! As a former sales person (i am still indeed :), never leave that), a challenge is something intriguing, something that i cant help to resist :D.. *lebay.com*
So, strating slowly, based on my experience i need to calm down and focus to make a cake. Cook up the sponge cake 1st, while waiting to baked, i prepare the chocolate for the border and chocolate ganache..
Label: The Choco